Welcome to Al Manal Eye Hospital
Outstanding Care
Our priority is customer satisfaction, we communicate with sincerity and genuine care, we take an individual approach to each patient to meet their needs and insure they get the best medical care.
Modern Facilities
Al Manal Eye Hospital is well equipped with a wide variety of advanced medical, surgical and diagnostic medical technologies simply the best available of better health care.
Qualified Doctors
Highly qualified and experienced doctors are able to provide the best in medical and surgical care.
Online appointment
Allows patients to book their medical appointments online with all available qualified doctors.
Request an Appointment
Insurance Companies

We Offer The Best Medical Eye Care
Become a preeminent source of leaders in the improvement of the quality of life through the enhancement, preservation and restoration of vision.
Easy Appointments
Reliable Specialties
Care Management


Dr. Taqi Khalaf

Manal Al Sairafi

Dr. Mohamed Taqi Khalaf

Sayed Husain Khalaf

Sayed Mohamed Khalaf

Ameena Al-Wadaei

Qadreya Almeshqab

Dr. Imad Hamzah

Dr. Mohamed Shaker

Dr. Reema Shabib

Dr. Maryam Almohsen

Dr. Alaa Jaffer

Dr. Hasan Ebrahim

Raichel Varughese

Sobith Kallen

Farveena Saleem

Mia Salve

Abdulla Abduljabbar

Maria Katrina

Joseph Edward
Blog Post
اللانقطية أو اللابؤرية الاستجماتيزم هي حالة شائعة في العين.. إن السطح الأمامي للعين العادية مستدير م [...]
الكيس الدهني يحدث الالتهاب بسبب حساسية للبكتيريا الشائعة الموجودة على جلدك. عندما تصبح فتحات الغدد ا [...]
القرنية المخروطية اعتمادا على العرق ، يؤثر القرنية المخروطية على واحد في 450 شخصا. هو أكثر شيوعا في [...]
التهاب الجفن التهاب الجفن هو التهاب حواف الجفون ، مما يجعلها حمراء ومتورمة. وهي حالة شائعة يمكن أن ت [...]
To become a preeminent source of leaders in the improvement of the quality of life through the enhancement, preservation and restoration of vision.
• Leading in eye care eminence and providing highest quality comprehensive clinical care to all our patients.
• Combining outstanding quality personalized care with excellent service.
• Operating to the highest clinical standards and meeting the expectations of our patients.
• Serve with integrity and dedication.
• Provide friendly and compassionate care.
• Ensure service excellence.
• Recognize each other and produce teamwork.