


What is it?

Eyelids have a fundamental mission in protecting the eye. Eyelids are essential elements and any change in their position can lead to a bad eye protection, alteration of the ocular surface and visual impairment. One of the main eyelid malpositions is ectropion.

In palpebral ectropion the eyelid everts (turns outward). It mainly affects the lower eyelid and causes the eyelid not to touch the eye.

Ectropion is classified according to its aetiology in congenital, cicatricial, paralytic, mechanical and senile, the latter being the most frequent.



In ectropion the eyelid margin loses its normal alignment with the eye. The lid turns outward (away from the eyeball) so that ocular exposure increases and causes chronic irritation with lid margin redness, pain and tearing.



The treatment of ectropion is mainly surgical, depending on the severity. They are usually procedures with good prognosis, and are usually performed under local anaesthesia, except in the case of children, which are operated under general anaesthesia.



Surgery is usually very effective in restoring the appearance and function of these malpositioned eyelids. It is important that all patients are assessed by ophthalmologists specialists in this pathology.